Monday, January 4, 2021

Mild Winters Can Be Hard On Your Roof, Too!

Warm one day, cold the next. If you’ve lived in Michigan for long, you’re no stranger to temperature extremes. This winter has been especially mild so far with very little snow, and that’s mostly good news for your roof. Little to no snow means no snow load to stress your roof, and less chance of an ice dam forming. But that doesn’t mean a mild winter is easy on your roof.

When it rains or when snow melts, water runs down into seams and cracks in your roof. When the temperature drops and that water freezes, it expands, widening those seams or cracks slightly. It’s called the freeze/thaw cycle, and each time it happens, it can damage your roof a little bit more.

For more information about the freeze/thaw cycle and your roof, visit our website.